Work in the vineyard

Environmental Certification

Our vineyard has had the Terra Vitis certification since 2017 and Haute Valeur Environnementale since 2020. Terra Vitis rests on the three principles of sustainable development: the environment, social and economic aspects. This environmental certification exists in every French winegrowing region.

To guarantee the seriousness of the approach, an independent body checks that the terms and conditions have been respected, and validates the granting of the certification.

Organic vinegrowing

A third of our vineyard is in organic conversion: it is the vines of the Domaine des Ballandors. You might wonder why only one 3rd. With organic vinegrowing, you have to be able to treat the entire surface in one day, and you must react quickly if it rains to avoid mildew (treating at the weekend, etc.). At the moment, we don’t have enough equipment to treat 35 hectares of vines in one day. Slowly but surely we’re continuing to move towards sustainable vinegrowing which respects the environment.

Putting it into practice

With every year, we move towards sustainable vinegrowing that is more respectful of the environment.